Motivational Monday # 66: How to have more energy fast

Studies show that when you feel energetic, you feel much better about yourself.

Here are some tips on how to have more energy fast

  1. Exercise!

Even a quick ten-minute walk will increase your energy and boost your mood. This really works! Try it!

  1. Listen to lively music.

This is one of the quickest, easiest ways to get a jolt of energy.

  1. Get enough sleep.

Most adults need at least seven hours each night. Don’t kid yourself about how much sleep you need!

  1. Act energetic.

Research shows that when people move faster, their metabolism speeds up. Also, because the way we act influences the way we feel acting with energy will make you feel more energetic. Stand up while talking on the phone, walk more quickly, speak with more animation.

  1. Talk to friends.

We get a real charge from connecting with other people. Reach out if you need a boost. This is true for introverts and extroverts alike.

  1. Get something done.

Crossing a nagging chore off your to-do list provides a big rush of energy. For a huge surge, clean out a closet. You’ll be amazed at how great you feel afterwards.

Action Exercise: Try one or more of these simple tips to create more energy.


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